Monday, September 29, 2008

Another BIG mention

So - not usually one to post twice in a day, but we had big unexpected news to share! Elise ate food tonight, and she LOVED it! Brian and I were noticing over the last couple of weeks that she had about every sign she was ready for food other than being able to actually speak that she was wanting it...and then tonight as I was trying to place bites of chicken in my mouth while she was on my lap, she kept opening her mouth and trying to get my food! I mean REALLY! So, we thought why not try, Owen was 5 1/2 months when he ate, she's 5 - so worse case, we'd just wait a little longer...well, needless to say - she was a big fan, ate all the rice cereal I'd made her and kept opening her mouth for the spoon even before I could put more on it! She made very little mess, and what was left on her cute little face was taken with a big ol' thank you lick from Maggie! It was pretty fun, Brian of course took pictures, and Owen held the bowl - he told her he got his birthday dinner and she'd gotten her first dinner, pretty cute! 

We'll post some pics once we've downloaded! 

Oh - and as if this wasn't enough fun - Elise has also decided she knows how to roll multiple times to actually get somewhere! wow!

It's HERE!!!!

Today is the day! Our baby boy (who now INSISTS he's a big boy) is 4! Agh, can you believe it! I remember this day four years ago very well....until about 7:30 pm - and then it gets sort of hazy for awhile.  I remember parking at the hospital, taking my pillow out of the truck and walking directly AWAY from the hospital, telling Brian to" Have fun, call me on my cell when it's over and tell  me how it went!" I was just a little on the nervous side about welcoming to my life.  I don't want to say I wasn't excited, of course I was...but I was feeling miserable and knew that somehow this baby had to come out.  Well, the day went by....and final at 7:00 pm, Owen Lee Schmidt was born - 8 lbs 7 oz and 21 inches long.  He was LOUD....and he was Beautiful.  I remember seeing him, holding his finger, smelling him - holding him and sleeping with him curled up inside my arm on my hospital bed for 5 days - pure bliss.  Everything I went through that long day seemed like a breeze the instant I saw and held my baby! This is what I was meant to do, be his mom.  That day marked the start of my new and incredible life and I would not change a thing about it.  

So, enough of all that, Owen is beyond excited today that it's his birthday.  This is probably the year that's meant the most fun so far for him! His party is all set for this coming Saturday at a farm, his class and friends are all coming, the phone calls and radio dedications have been made - he's 4...and he's letting EVERYONE know it! Now, I'm just hoping he'll share some cake with me...that is the best part! 

Can't wait to post pics of the party! 

Saturday, September 27, 2008

2 more sleeps...

Wow - it is almost here....the BIG #4! Guess who's not excited at all!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Only 3 more sleeps...

....'till Owen is 4! What happened to my baby???He's gigantic! 

Watch me move around....

Ahh - So our little one isn't so little anymore...I mean, she is - she just seems to have forgotten! Elise has become quite the roll over queen these days - and now - she's actually trying to get somewhere....AGH! Hopefully it will be awhile before she figures it out, but I'm sort of thinking we're out of luck there??? I'm thanking my lucky stars the house is already "child proofed" from Owen (even though I'm sure there are plenty of things we've forgotten about) and that since we've been through it before we know at least what to watch for! 

Here's a cute pic of our princess - showing off for Mommy and Daddy! Love that crazy hair!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

photos from race day

Celebrity Sighting

So - I neglected to mention that while we were out at the Race for Cure on Sunday, we spotted none other than KGW's Joe Donlon at the starting line.  I mentioned to Kristin it was him in a hot pink button down - and she - I kid you not - YELLED, "It's Joe Donlon" pretty loudly! Of course he turned and immediately said hello and jumped in for a picture with her! (remember last post I mentioned how she's blessed with the long legs and all - well she also runs in skirts!) Anyway, it was pretty fun and gave us something to chat about along the way...because we really needed some conversation starters! NOT! 

Oh - and Kristin, I've also sent your pic to so hopefully you'll make the news page! Keep on running girl! Oh - maybe we should do some runs in LA or NYC so we can see some celebrities I want my picture with! 

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Race Day

So today was the day!!! My first 5K organized run...that I even paid for! I will start out by thanking my sister, Kristin who was my #1 moral supporter! Even though she's a super duper runner who's been blessed with long fast legs (and long skinny arms I might add) - she ran WITH me at a slower pace so we could do this one together! And although she was the #1 moral supporter, I cannot forget to mention that we also pushed Owen in the Bob jogger the whole time also! That would be an additional 35+ lbs around town! Owen was our very own personal cheering section - he'd flash us the occasional thumbs up, and when I needed to take walk breaks (yes, there were a few) or trade with Kris so she could push him for a little while - he'd quickly pipe up from his comfy seated position..."Come on Mom, you can keep running..." or, "Mom - go faster - come on!" It was so fun! 

So I haven't even mentioned what we did - All 3 of us were a part of the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure.  What an amazing event with incredible energy and love all around.  The 3 of us also attended the Health Expo last Friday to pick up our tee shirts, numbers and some freebies - and while we were there, we noticed a booth called "Dragonfly Tails" - there were beautiful ribbons in pink, purple and white all hanging with decoration - of course, Owen wanted to do this craft immediately - and he chose pink! As we were busy drawing and placing stamps and stickers in various spots - the woman behind the table mentioned that these were ribbons that would be hung outside on race day to remember someone you've lost to breast cancer, or to celebrate someone you love with or surviving the disease.  Kristin and I both looked at one another and realized instantly we are so lucky to have not lost anyone we love to this disease - nor do we personally know anyone affected by it - yes, we all know someone through someone etc - but when we really tried to think about it - we couldn' lucky are we! So, because we know it doesn't mean that we won't ever know anyone - Owen continued to decorate that ribbon and we hung it with hope! We hung it because of all the people we know through someone - and because he did such a good job! 

I think this will have to be a yearly tradition now - as a Mom I think that being a part of this day is so important - and as a Mom to a daughter now - I feel it's my responsibility to do everything I can now to insure that Elise will hopefully never have to worry about breast cancer in her adult life time! (yes, I realize this affects Men as well - and I did this today as much for Owen to have hope!) Perhaps a BIG hope - but my hope...Owen says next year he wants to run with me, and that he's really really fast! Do you think I could get him to push me? 

Much love to you all - and as our favorite signs and tee shirts said today - "Save the TaTa's!" Because really, if we don't have humor in life, what do we have?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Such a BIG month already

Ah - September is here....fall is in the air, apples are being pressed in to yummy juice and cider, it's time for soups and stews, pumpkins - and fresh hop beers! My favorite time of year! Yes - I've loved the summer and the sun - but really - I've always loved this month the most! I remember being a little kid and being SOOOO excited about going back to school.  Lining up outside the doors at school to see who my teacher was, who was in my class - new school clothes, shoes - recess every day! Ah, to be back in that!

Which is where I'm headed! So, Owen started his new school this year - just this week actually! He is loving it, and so are we! It was so much fun to check out his class list, meet his teachers, meet the classmates, find the new cubby, play on the new playground and experience all the new things! Brian and I have been so proud of him, it is amazing how big he has gotten - he's like a new little boy...who's almost 4! It is crazy to think our little man is going to be 4 - I am trying to savor every hug and kiss I get these days as I know from watching friends with older kids that these will soon be saved only for when they think others aren't watching...

Elise is getting big as well! She is now rolling over from tummy to back and also back to tummy! Her favorite person in the Owen! No one can get her to laugh like he can - it's awesome to watch and appreciate.  I am shocked at how big she is already, almost double in size! Her smiles are getting bigger as well and we are so thrilled to have such a happy kiddo! It's strange to think that she has been a part of our family for almost a half of a year now - we can't imagine not having her here with us - Owen told me the other day that he loves his little sister so much he thinks we should keep her forever! Good thing, huh! Still, if anything will make a mom smile extra wide, it's that! 

We'll post some school pics soon - and pics from our summer trips etc! 

Happy school to our mom's too....perhaps they'll relax a little this year?