Today is the day! Our baby boy (who now INSISTS he's a big boy) is 4! Agh, can you believe it! I remember this day four years ago very well....until about 7:30 pm - and then it gets sort of hazy for awhile. I remember parking at the hospital, taking my pillow out of the truck and walking directly AWAY from the hospital, telling Brian to" Have fun, call me on my cell when it's over and tell me how it went!" I was just a little on the nervous side about welcoming this...baby...in to my life. I don't want to say I wasn't excited, of course I was...but I was feeling miserable and knew that somehow this baby had to come out. Well, the day went by....and final at 7:00 pm, Owen Lee Schmidt was born - 8 lbs 7 oz and 21 inches long. He was LOUD....and he was Beautiful. I remember seeing him, holding his finger, smelling him - holding him and sleeping with him curled up inside my arm on my hospital bed for 5 days - pure bliss. Everything I went through that long day seemed like a breeze the instant I saw and held my baby! This is what I was meant to do, be his mom. That day marked the start of my new and incredible life and I would not change a thing about it.
So, enough of all that, Owen is beyond excited today that it's his birthday. This is probably the year that's meant the most fun so far for him! His party is all set for this coming Saturday at a farm, his class and friends are all coming, the phone calls and radio dedications have been made - he's 4...and he's letting EVERYONE know it! Now, I'm just hoping he'll share some cake with me...that is the best part!
Can't wait to post pics of the party!
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