Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

 So today is the day all little kids love! Dress up, candy - all for free...poor Owen, he missed out on his school parade AND trick or treating tonight! Poor guy has been sick all week! We thought we'd at least get the trick or treating in - but alas, it just wasn't in the cards! We did go to two neighbors houses just to say HI and show off our cute costumes, but then we decided to just stay home and hand out candy....he didn't seem to mind too much! We lit a lot of candles in the front of the house -  had our purple and orange lights going, he put a candle in his jack o lantern, and decided he'd just trick or treat out of our candy bowl! He stayed warm and got the goods! Not bad if you ask me! He also seemed pretty excited to watch basketball on TV with daddy!

We're hoping he starts feeling better soon! He hasn't been sick this long before and it's really waring on him.  We're just thankful that we had the Halloween party last weekend and could all dress up together and have year we'll have to make up for the lost candy! Sick kids on Halloween is probably a dentists dream! 

Can't believe November is a couple of hours away.  We had such a FUN lesson in the car today talking about the months of the year, what they meant for us (turkey, santa, eggs, flowers etc) and how the planet traveled around the sun! Then, for Elise's benefit - we went through every animal I could think of (including dinosaurs) and sang about the noises they make.  She liked that! Oh, which by the way - her new name is Roller Derby...she is non stop with the's like she's programmed! She's even sleeping on her tummy - it's pretty cute! I am already missing my little baby - that went too fast!

Hopefully next week we'll be back with more news of good health!

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