We are lucky enough to live in quite possibly one of the most family friendly, gorgeous, progressive cities in our state! So many people talk about where they grow up and the great things they remember from childhood - I think that both Owen and Elise will have stories that will make their kids smile and laugh...but that's way in the future!
The day after Thanksgiving, we of course wanted to go to a tree lighting...seeing that we have a 7 month old, we missed the parade (we were bummed) but will for sure be there next year. We decided to check out the Lake Oswego tree lighting...we were semi skeptical, but went with it! Not only did we join a very large gathering in a local parking lot to witness the large sequoia tree which has been coined "the cities christmas tree" lit with beautiful snowflake lights, our mayor helped with the countdown, there were high school choir groups singing Christmas music, Starbucks donated free coffee and hot chocolate (yum).....and then, Santa was there - in a fire truck headed down to Millenium Park...the street was closed off and we were all encouraged to follow him and the truck to ANOTHER tree lighting where the kids would get to see many Christmas characters and of course, get some candy! I mean really - how many cities do you know of that seem to really encourage their main street shut down for hundreds of people to walk down (some with their dogs) multiple times a year....we're pretty lucky!
We all made our way down to the park - Elise was beside herself with the lights, the sounds, up in Mommy's arms so she could get the full range of holiday offerings....mostly though, to see her brother super excited and laughing! We ran in to old friends, new friends....Owen's teacher - I don't think I've ever seen him so captivated before - his teacher, out in the real world - giving out hugs regardless of not being in a classroom....he was all smiles! He met Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph and the Nutcracker - all in costume, none of whom he was afraid (candy canes???)....big change from last year! We thought our night was made...we were on our way home.
And then, down the staircase - there it was - the fire truck, with REAL fireman standing outside the truck just waiting for Santa to come back.....we were only going to take Owen's picture next to the truck, until....Fireman (I don't know his name) Nice guy came up to Owen - and offered to not only show him how the levers and computers work...but to let him get IN the truck, try on THE REAL HAT (the one with the lights and everything) and get his picture taken then!!! (See above)...it was like Owen was the only kid in the world....many kids began to line up, but for 5 minutes, he was the only one who was around - See what I mean, the BEST city in the world...especially when you're 4 and those are almost all the things that matter! How many people can say they got to go to their tree lighting (with the same living tree used every year) where their mayor did a countdown, saw Santa in their local fire trucks, saw their teacher in a crowd, met local fireman, tried on a real fire hat....the list goes on! I think we've all got one more thing to add on to our "what we're thankful for" list!
Oh - and did I mention the police stopped traffic in BOTH directions to let us cross the street...WOW!
(PS, the top photo I meant to add, is of Owen and our shadows as we walked down the driveway at some possible clients of Brian's to pick out a tree!)