Sunday, December 14, 2008

Oh the weather outside is frightful

But as usual, this fire is soooooo delightful! (Thanks Hot Brian - you really have lived up to your name!!!) 

What a day - I think I woke up about 4 times last night like a 16 year old praying there was no school tomorrow - disappointed each time to see bare pavement and dark skies! When I woke up (the final time since I was up a couple of times with cutie) I knew we were in for some fun when it was super bright behind the blinds in our room!!! Love this! Snow storms are very special to Brian and I, in case you didn't anytime the local news goes in to overdrive "storm watch" I feel like I'm 26 again! 

Our day of course included sledding - walking - hot soup - laughing - visiting neighbors - playing with neighbor kids - lots and lots of pictures - snow angels - cold fingers - happy dogs - and a warm fire....just to name a few! =) But the best part is now - kiddos asleep - dogs chewing LOUDLY - and Brian and I, sitting - watching the best Christmas moving ever - Love Actually. I could blog forever about this movie, how beautiful it is - but that would take all night! 

It looks like we get an additional day all together tomorrow! Yippee, we all love when Daddy is home! It seems that the week ahead, when we are of course supposed to be Christmas shopping, should be interesting as well weather wise! 

Can't wait to share stories and pictures...and pretty soon, cookies and fudge and muffins and laughs and movies!!!

Remember, Love Actually is All Around

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